South Dakota Registered Agents
Registered Agents Service
You can see our address on every page of our website. We post that same address when you sign up for our registered agent service. No matter how long you’ve been looking for registered agents service, we hope that you’ll find our service to be the perfect fit.
Our fee structure for our registered agent service is simple. You will pay $49 initially for 1 year of our registered agents service. From then on, you will get bill from us for $49 to renew our registered agent service for additional years. There are no other bills from us. You don’t have to worry about upsells from us. You can trust that you won’t get any scares on your credit card bill after hiring us to act as your SD registered agent.
A Fair Price
Let me ask you this, have you ever found a really cheap price for something and found out later that it was missing something, becoming obsolete, or didn’t include everything you needed? We charge you less than most, but there are some cheaper providers out there… We actually receive change of agent orders on a regular basis from clients that used “cheaper” options. During the course of a year, they found they ended up paying more in add-on fees than our normal every day price of $49 a year. Our registered agents pricing is enough to earn a living and stay in business, it’s enough to not have to try to up-sell you anything. Most importantly, it’s enough to keep our pricing strategy simple.
What do you get?
Once you sign up, you will be immediately logged into your online account. From there, you will have access to all the same South Dakota forms you’d find on the different South Dakota agency governmental sites.
Your forms are already pre-filled with our information correctly and we include tips on how to make your filing in South Dakota.
We include compliance tools and auto-reminders for your annual reports and filing reguirements.